The impact of #loadshedding in Public Relations

By now everybody i s aware of what Loadshedding i s as it is one of the crises facing our country, but did you know that Public Relations Professionals can play an important role in managing the expectations of the affected people and the way they view loadshedding . The question is how? Well to answer that question continue reading this blog as I will further discuss the opportunities, challenges as well as recommendations for the strategic use of social media. Let me start by unpacking challenges for public relations professionals in this situation. Loadshedding causes a lot of anger to the affected public as it also impacts their business so they might blame Eskom who is the service provider, for any inconvenience leading to people having negative perception about the brand. Misinformation and fake news spread very fast on social media, leading to further confusion which makes it a little bit hard for Public Relation Professionals to control the situation. ...